Health Publications


Why do we suffer from so many allergies? This one page tract may be a life saver for you as it explains that the curse causeless shall not come.

Health Tract # 1001 Download Now


How safe is it? This one page tract is a powerful little eyeopener for those who long for better health. Showing that that little “Harmless” Pill we have all been urged to take from babyhood up, is not as harmless and effective as it is said to be. The only ones doing “just fine” on this little pill are the makers of it. Read the effects and drawbacks and determine to take care what you poke into your body temple.

Health Tract # 1005 Download Now

America’s Health Myth

America’s health myth. Maintaining a normal weight, eating a nutritious diet, exercising, not smoking, and getting enough proper rest are all crucial to staying healthy, but only about 3% of people manage to achieve all four of these health habits. According to U.S. health officials. Is there any drug that can substitute these things?

Health Tract # 1010 Download Now

Be Wary Of Cheese

Be Wary of Cheese may come as a shock to you, but if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired you may need to look no further than your habit of eating cheese! One writer of health wrote in the 1800s that “Cheese is wholly unfit for food and should never be taken into the stomach. Read this one page tract and find out why, good health begins with eliminating cheese from your diet.

Health Tract # 1030 Download Now

Charcoal Therapy

Who would have thought that something SO SIMPLE could be SO USEFUL for a thousand different emergencies??? Charcoal is without a rival as an agent for cleansing and assisting the healing of the body. This one page tract is a must have to those who would find better health!

Health Tract # 1040 Download Now

Drink Milk

Drink Milk? UDDER PROPAGANDA! For sure! The time has come when milk drinking is wholly unsafe for good health. Even putting aside the way commercial milk is handled. For this writer suffered from Bovine Lymphoma which Dr did not give a 50/50 chance of recovery for- and that was from a home grown cow, with much care taken to keep the barn, feed, milk containers, cows and bottles clean, and in the best conditions. Truly this practice of never being weaned is a dangerous one to the detriment of good health to the individual.

Health Tract # 1060 Download Now

The Use of Drugs In The Care Of The Sick

The Use of Drugs in the care of the sick. If drugs were to change and become beneficial where they were once harmful, why did our Lord not foresee and change and tell us about it? If the counsel concerning drugs was very soon to become obsolete why was so much counsel given on the subject? God told us what to do to care for the sick! Why have we turned and gone to the use of drugs? Are they truly safe? Can something good for mankind come through disobedience to God?

Health Book # 1063 Download Now

Egg Dilemma

The Egg Dilemma! How safe are eggs? What about salmonella and cancer in eggs? Why are so many people allergic to eggs? What are eggs doing to your body? Truly this one page tract answers all the questions above and is a real eye opener to those who would like to live a full happy life!

Health Tract # 1065 Download Now

Herbal Healing

Herbal Healing. In Answer to the many pleas for our expertise on what herb to use for what ailment, we have stopped long enough- well maybe not – as most of this large one page tract was put together on the move, going from meeting place to meeting place to pass out free books. We give you in this tract the helpful tips of where to find good herbs. Methods of preparation, common herbs and their applications, and medicinal combinations. This list is a very powerful help to keep near at hand and refer to often. Happy healing to you.

Health Tract # 1068 Download Now

Hot dog

Melonie Robanske:

Hot Dogs and Hamburgers. Beware, Caution, Hazardous to your health! This little one page tract is a powerful little mind opener for how diseases come to us. Let us read and beware to take better care of our living machine.

Health Tract # 1070 Download Now


Technique of Hydrotherapy and Swedish Massage. “Our people should become intelligent in the treatment of sickness without the aid of poisonous drugs. Many should seek to obtain the education that will enable them to combat disease in its various forms by the most simple methods…” Here is a little 120 page book to teach you the how, when and why of hydrotherapy, and give you the instructions of how to apply these things.

Health Book # 1073 Download Now

Kicking the Chocolate Habit

Kicking the Chocolate Habit. This one page tract is a quick read on why Chocolate is not a good food choice for us. From the the high filth Contaminates allowed, to Sugar content, to the High Calories, to the drug Caffeine, and the Thyramine, and Methylxanthines drugs that altar behavior and brain, Chocolate is really a harmful substance. Read and take care to avoid the dangerous drug.

Health Tract # 1075 Download Now

The MIRACLE of the Lemon

The Miracle of the Lemon is a little booklet that has been of wonderful benefit for so many people! We hope that you find it very helpful.

Health Book # 1100 Download Now

Pigs Resume

You are what you eat! What a disgusting thought after reading this resume! May our Body Temple that should belong to God be better prized by us than to allow such filth between our lips

Health Tract # 1110 Download Now

From His Tail to His Snout

A one page tract poem that is a pitiful rundown of those who call themselves Christians and their lust for this filthy beast that God has forbidden us to touch or eat.

Health Tract # 1111 Download Now

The Place of Health Reform in Character Development

The Place of Health Reform in Character Development. This 30 page booklet by Julius Gilbert White is a Reprint of his articles that were found in a journal devoted to the promulgation of health reform principles.From Nov. 1920 to Sept. 1921 these powerful articles appeared in the Medical Evangelist Magazine. We hope and pray that this little work will help to better your resolve to live for the glory of God in whatsoever therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do.

Health Book # 1115 Download Now

Principles of Health Reform

A 15 page read that teaches us how to prevent sickness, treat disease and better our conditions. showing us that those who are living in accordance with the prevailing customs of society in reference to diet, dress, and etc… should beware.

Health Book # 1117 Download Now

Over Weight

How Healthy Is It? This little one page tract gives us the value of under-eating. shows us the low calorie diets and cancer; That overweight is a mistake you CAN correct; that there is danger of excess poundage.; and foods to avoid. May the Lord bless and help you as you resolve to give God your appetite.

Health Tract # 1120 Download Now

Refined Grains

What you should know about Refined Grains. This one page tract gives us a quick rundown of why refined grains are so harmful for us, the fumigation, enriching with synthetic vitamins, the bleaching chemicals used, the artificial colorings, and flavorings used, and the damage done to the body by these processes.

Health Tract # 1130 Download Now

Small Fruits

Small Fruits is a booklet written by James White on how to plant, grow, care for, harvest, and preserve small fruits/berries. This is a wonderful little help to those who would like to put in some kind of fruits that will produce the next year instead of having to wait 5 to 7 years for a tree to begin bearing after being planted.

Health Book # 1140 Download Now


Sugar Sweet and Dangerous! This one page tract is a real eyeopener to those who have no clue the power of sugar!

Health Tract # 1150 Download Now

Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy

The place of Herbs in Rational Therapy -E.G.White. One of our favorite writers who gathered her knowledge from the source of all Wisdom, Jesus Christ our Lord. Here in this booklet, much of the light received from God on how to use the herb of the field in the care of the sick is given to us. What a help in these last days for those who would “Believe the Prophet that they may prosper and be in health!”

Health Book # 1160 Download Now


This little booklet gives the reader the diseases and troubles that come from the use of tobacco. The destructive habit is not easily shaken once begun. Our plea to the reader is, if you use Tobacco in any form, Plead with Christ for help to over come at once this soul and body destroying habit. He is still in the miracle business of helping those who ask. If you reader are free from this weed, in it’s many forms of use, please make a pledge to remain free and not to remain in the presence of those that are poisoning the air about them.

Health Book # 1165 Download Now

Vegetarianism Blueprint

Going from eating decayed flesh of animals to a plant based diet, has been a life changing event for us, taking away Juvenal arthritis, ear aches, throat phlegm, and cancer that we suffered with for many years. Following God’s original diet, given in Genesis has been a wonderful thing for this family and has added many happy, health filled years to our lives.

Health Tract # 1190 Download Now

Soft Drinks

Soft Drinks have become the “Water” of this generation, many don’t even know how to drink water, but instead substitute the God given fluid for these manmade soft drinks. This tract brings to light the truth about soda pop. Exposing the fact that these drinks are NOT GOOD for man to partake of at all. Read and heed!

Health Tract # 1200 Download Now

Wild Plants To Eat

Wild Plants to Eat is a wonderful insight as to how many plants are out there that are not only edible, but healthy for us! There are recipes and suggestions of how to prepare these herbs. Some of which contain things that we at TPP would not use. But it will give the cook a few clues of what preparations are good for each edible plant.

Health Book # 1205 Download Now

Why I Am A Vegetarian

Why I am a Vegetarian. Many times I have heard people say that they have to have their meat in order to be able to work hard. But when put to the test the meat eater is found to have little to no long term endurance to stick to a job. The vegetarian may be slower at the start than the meat eater, but given an hour or two, the meat eater has to stop and rest, take in some sugar for a quick pickup, while the vegetarian is found to be able to continue on in his work none stop, until four or five hours have passed and he is ready to stop for lunch. By lunch time the meat eater has had three or four 15 to 20 minute breaks and is far behind in his work. So guess again about that “NEED FOR MEAT!”

Health Book # 1210 Download Now


Salt- What is the worst thing possible? Hoehn brings out that the many Drs. in his day advocating that their patients stop using salt were going against counsel from the Lord. He likens this to fanatical faith. All too common in the christian world today!

Book # 2001 Download Now

Judge Not

Judge NOT! or Judge righteous Judgment? To Judge or not to Judge, That is the question! Written by Hoehn in Sept. 1968 -Report #213 we find this little work more needful than ever today as this hysteria that the pastors have created has come to such a huge head. This boil must be popped and drained by a look at the truth as it is in the Word of God, so that Spiritual Eyesight may be restored and we may learn to call sin by its right name.

Book # 2213 Download Now

Nov. 9, 1968 EVENTS

Breaking News EVENTS! “The EVENTS connected with the CLOSE OF PROBATION for the TIME OF TROUBLE are CLEARLY presented. But MULTITUDES have no more understanding of these important Truths than if they had never been revealed.“ Will we KNOW the time of OUR visitation? H. Hoehn shows plainly the straight testimony to (NOT FROM) the Laodiceans, the shaking gathering time. The separation- sifting time. All is happening as God said it would.

Book # 2215 Download Now

Holy Flesh

ANTICHRIST HOLY FLESH & INCARNATION. 1973 Publication 291 Reprinted in 1996. Hoehn says: “We go strictly by IT IS WRITTEN that there will be 144,000 from the entire world, we are amazed that there are that many that will leave the cities, accustom themselves to hardships in the isolated places,, lay all on the alar – end up in prison, in the desert, mountain strongholds, or other isolated places as the storm breaks…” Set Aside their besetting sins, live a new life of victory, the elevation of man who strives, makes an effort, works, even the “WORK OF A LIFETIME” The LAW CAN BE KEPT 144,000 WILL PROVE IT.”

Book # 2291 Download Now


Cancer- What hope for a permanent cure? This book of Brother Hoehn’s also covers how to cope with worsening food shortages. So I have to believe? How cancer is treated and much more. Publication #308 Dec. 1, 1974. This he writes was not meant for general distribution- but for those who claim to believe the “Spirit of Prophecy”.

Health Book # 2308 Download Now

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